What is an office Workstation Assessment?

Workstation Assessments are an assessment of the employees desk setup, the area around it and the work that they do relative to their personal abilities.

The aim of a workstation assessment is to identify and analyse any risk factors which may be causing current or future health problems, or may be reducing work performance.

workstation assessments needed here

We offer comprehensive and basic workstation assessments

When it comes to workstation assessments one size doesn’t fit all. Some employees may require a basic assessment in order to meet the requirements for Health and Safety compliance or they may need a more comprehensive ergonomic workstation assessment if they are suffering from a physical work-related problem or disability.

Comprehensive workstation assessments

We recommend these for people who have discomfort, an injury or a disability which affects them at work

This assessment will take approximately 1 hour. At the time of the assessment we will initially discuss (in private) any physical, visual or psychological problems that the worker may be experiencing and how they may be impacting their work. We will then assess their workstation and review their layout, working postures, behaviours and the way in which they use their equipment. We will educate the worker on optimal workstation set-up, working posture, work routine and if appropriate, teach them basic stretches and exercises to do at their desk. We will complete a comprehensive checklist which also ensures compliance with the Health and Safety Executives Display Screen Equipment regulations (1992).

Following the assessment, we will compile and provide a typed report containing, photos and anthropometric measurements where applicable. The report will discuss our recommendations giving clear rationale with regards to equipment (including seating), workstation layout, posture, behaviours and training along with any other issues that we may identify that may be affecting the individuals’ comfort at work.

Any suggested equipment will be listed along with a list of known suppliers and cost estimates (if requested).

Basic workstation assessments

We recommend these in order to meet the requirements for Health and Safety compliance

This desk assessment involves spending approximately 30 minutes with the individual to assess their workstation, the way in which they use their equipment and their working postures. We will complete a basic ergonomic checklist during the assessment which also will demonstrate that a risk assessment has been undertaken to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety Executive’s Display Screen Equipment regulations (1992).

We will provide you with a checklist after the assessment with our recommendations. These may be made regarding equipment, workstation layout, posture, and training.

Good desk setup

Bespoke Assessments

Over the past 15 years of undertaking ergonomic assessments we have learnt that everyone can benefit from a consultation either virtually or face to face. We believe in taking a holistic approach, requiring a full understanding of an individual’s work, their working environment, behaviours and health in order to gain a complete picture. A workstation assessment should offer more than just educating on correct seat, monitor and desk heights. As Health Professionals we can tailor each assessment and the advice and education that we give, to an individual’s specific needs.

Why use us?

Our Ergonomic Consultants are all Chartered Physiotherapists with extensive experience in undertaking ergonomic workstation assessments and training. We act independently and are not affiliated with any companies who sell or distribute ergonomic products. Therefore, any equipment or furniture recommendations that we make are unbiased.